Friday 8 January 2021

Family Days (Maureen W ) AUST

 Hi guys 

Today i am trying a new challenge that I heard about called Cookin' Up Creations . The challenge site has been running for quite some years. I just did not know of it.

The Challenge this month is to use up some of your old stash, which is always part of my New Years Resolution to clean out one of my Drawers my the end of the Year.  This has proven an excellent tool  I usually do a layout a month sometimes 2 so the old stock dwindle 

I have used a mixture of 4  Kaisercraft collections from 2012 and 2013, I now have only a few bits left from "Story Book" Collection. 



Kaisercraft "Heirloom" Collection:- Past Reverse

Kaisercraft "Story Book" Collection:- Borrow, Read, Typewriter Reverse

Kaisercraft  "Miss Empire" Collection:- Ancestry

Kaisercraft " Madam Boutique " Collection:- Knickers, Corset,  and Sticket Sheet 

Kaisercraft Bark Ink

Uniquely Creative   Tag Dye

Brown String and the yellow floral paper from my stash


Cut "Borrow" 8" x 8"

Dye Cut  6 Tags from "Read"", Typewriter ", "Kickers", and "Corset"

Cut 3 x 6 " x 4" Postcards from " Ancestry"

Cut yellow Floral piece 11" x 11"

Smooch the "Bark" onto "Borrow"

Fussy cut flowers from "Knickers" 


Use "Past" Reverse as Base add the yellow floral 11"square to base leaving 0.50" all way around

Add "Borrow" to base leaving a 2" space all way around. Leaving ttop with no tape 

Add string to cards

Tuck under "Borrow"

Add the Post Card to page 4.50" from the top and angle against "Borrow"

Add second postcard size 2.50 from left hand side and 4.75 from top. 

 Add third post 2.50" from the left hand side and 5.50" from the top 

Add fussy cut flowers and Stickers from the Sticker sheet as per photo 




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