Sunday, 8 May 2022


 Morning  all

Its raining, quite heavily at times.  We have had heavy rain overnight,. Thought I would get this done first as if I leave it , it will get forgotten, just like several last month.

I have a busy day two Specialist appointments  quite a distance apart, hate driving in the rain. 

This one us for Mystical Scrapbooking face book group

 The theme for the next two months is Retro TV Shows

The first one is  "Bewitched  " requirements are: 1 : Use Halloween Colours, 2  : Use either a Cat, Witch,  or Broom, 3: Splatters, 4: Chipboard Stars.

I became very messy with this page. The gold sparkle pen wouldn't work so in the end I squeeze too hard and it came out in to a puddle, them I dropped the modelling paste and made a mess. That's is exactly why I dislike doing mixed 

Here is my page. Hope you like  it



Kaisercraft Coal, Orange and Wine Cardstock 

Modelling Paste 

Stencils unknown brand of Stars, and line stencil.

Kaisercraft Orange Alpha' s and Rhinestones 

Memory Maze chipboard Stars

Orange Onion Bag

Dye cuts cats and witches (received in a swap)

Stamp Bat on grey cardstock (received in a swap)

Nuvo Expanding Mouse: Misted Mauve 

Uniquely Creative Wooden Stars

String unknown Brand


Uniquely Creative Sparkle Pens in Black and Gold

2 x 4" x 4.75 " Photos 


Cut "Coal" Cardstock to 11" x 11"

Cut 2 x  4.50 " x 5.25 " mats from "Wine " Card stock 

Dye cut witches and cats (these also can be stamped and fussy cut out)

Stamp bat on grey card stock and fussy cut out

Cut 30 strands of string  8.50  " for broom and another about about 18"

Cut the Onion bag in 4x covering the stencil 3" x 12" strips on the orange base


Use the line stencil and Modelling Paste on the outer 4 edges of the "Orange" Card Stock 

Use line stencil and Modelling Paste on the bottom 4" x 12" of the "Wine " Card stock

Use the Star Stencil and Nuvo Expanding Mouse in Misted Mauve on the top of the  "Coal " Cardstock 

Paint 7 chipboard and Wooden Stars with the Nuvo Expanding Paste in Misted Mauve 

Use the Sparkle pens and Splatter across the  "Coal" Cardstock 


Add the onion bag strips to the outer edges covering the stencil area of the "Orange " Cardstock 

Add  "Coal " Cardstock to the Orange Cardstock leaving a 0.50 " border all the way around

Add Stars, bat and witches i the top of the page

Add photos to mats

Add mats at an angle  first one 4.75 " from the top and 0.50 " from the left

2nd photo mat 3.50  " from the top and 5.50 " from the left hand side overlapping 1st photo a little

Add Broom in between photo mats 

Add title and cats to bottom of page

Add Rhinestones to neck of cat




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